What Wages Are Subject to Workers’ Comp?

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that provides benefits to employees who suffer injuries or illnesses while performing their job duties. These benefits typically include coverage for medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs. However, not all wages are subject to workers’ compensation, and it’s important to understand which ones are covered in the event of a work-related injury or illness.

In California, the state’s workers’ compensation laws are enforced by the California Work Injury Law Center. According to these laws, any wages that an employee earns as a result of their employment are typically subject to workers’ compensation benefits. This includes not only regular wages, but also overtime pay, bonuses, and other forms of compensation.

However, there are certain types of wages that are not typically covered by workers’ compensation benefits. For example, any wages that an employee earns while on vacation or sick leave are generally not covered, as these wages are not directly related to the employee’s job duties.

It’s also worth noting that some types of benefits, such as severance pay or retirement benefits, may not be covered by workers’ compensation. However, in certain circumstances, these benefits may be considered part of an employee’s overall compensation package and may therefore be subject to workers’ compensation benefits.

If you have been injured or have suffered an illness as a result of your employment, it’s important to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to understand your rights and options. The California Work Injury Law Center can provide guidance and representation throughout the claims process, helping you secure the benefits you need to cover your medical expenses and lost wages.